Namespace: GooglePlayGames

Cocoon.Social. GooglePlayGames

Cocoon Social Interface for the Google Play Games Extension.


<static> getMultiplayerInterface() → {Cocoon.Multiplayer.MultiplayerService}

Returns a Cocoon Multiplayer interface for the Game Center Extension.


<static> getSocialInterface() → {Cocoon.Social.Interface}

Returns a Cocoon SocialGaming interface for the Google Play Games Extension. You can use the Google Play Games extension in two ways, with the official SDK API equivalent or with the CocoonJS Social API abstraction.


<static> init(params, callback)

Initializes the service and tries to restore the last session.

Name Type Description
params Object

Initialization options.

Name Type Description
clientId string

The application clientID. Omit if its already provided in the native application via cloud configuration.

defaultLeaderboard string

The default leaderboard ID. You can omit it if you specify the leaderboardID in all the score queries or submits.

scopes array

Additional scope identifiers. Plus & Games APIs are included by default. To use cloud saved game include the 'drive.appfolder' scope.

showAchievementNotifications boolean

Enables or disables the native view notifications when an achievement is unlocked.

callback function

The initialization completed callback. Received params: error

<static> loadSavedGame(identifier, callback)

Loads a Saved Game Snapshot from the cloud

Name Type Description
identifier string

snapshot identifier

callback function

The callback function. It receives the following parameters:

  • Snapshot: Object with the title, description adn identifier of the snapshort. The data property contains the raw bytes converted to string.
  • Error.

<static> showSavedGames(callback)

Show Google Play saved games activity and allows the user to choose a saved game or to create a new one

Name Type Description
callback function

The callback function. It receives the following parameters:

  • Snapshot: The selected snapshot metada, use loadSavedGame to fetch its data. If the user creates a new snapshot the idenfier will be empty.
  • Error.

<static> submitEvent(eventId, increment)

Submit event

Name Type Description
eventId string

The event Id.

increment number

The amount the event will be incremented with.

<static> writeSavedGame(snapshot, callback)

Writes a SavedGame Snapshot to the cloud

Name Type Description
snapshot Object

snapshot object to store. New snapshot is created if the identifier is a new one. An object with:

  • Identifier
  • Title
  • Description
  • Data properties.
callback function

The callback function. It receives the following parameters:

  • Error.
Atomic Plugins - JavaScript Documentation by Ludei, DocStrap Copyright © 2012-2013
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