Namespace: Notification

Cocoon. Notification

This namespace represents the Cocoon Notification extension for local and remote notifications.


//Set up notification listener
Cocoon.Notification.Local.on("notification", function(userData){
    console.log("A local notification has been received: " + JSON.stringify(userData));

Cocoon.Notification.Local.initialize(); //ready to start receiving notification callbacks

// Initialize the service. Ready to start receiving notification callbacks
// The service will be automatically registered after the initialization. This may show a Dialog to request user permissions.
// You can disable autoregister with {register: false} params and call Cocoon.Notification.Local.register() manually to control when the permissions dialog is shown.
// By default the register parameter is set to true.

Cocoon.Notification.Local.initialize({}, function(registered) {
if (!registered) {
    alert('Notifications disabled by user')
else {

function sendNotification() {
   var notification = {
    message : "Hi, I am a notification",
    soundEnabled : true,
    badgeNumber : 0,
    userData : {"key1" : "value1", "key2": "value2"},
    contentBody : "",
    contentTitle : "",
    date : new Date().valueOf() + 1000
    icon : "myicon"





<static> cancel(The)

Cancels the local notification with Id provided

Name Type Description
The string

notification id

<static> cancelAllNotifications()

Cancels all the pending notifications

<static> canReceiveNotifications(callback)

Checks if user has permission to receive notifications

Name Type Description
callback function

The callback function. It receives the following parameters:

  • granted {Boolean} True if the user has permission to receive notifications

<static> fetchSubscribedChannels(callback)

Asynchronously get all the channels that this device is subscribed to. Valid for notification services that support specific channels (e.g. Parse).

Name Type Description
callback function

Callback function to get the channel list. It receives the following parameters:

  • channels {array} the channels that this device is subscribed to
  • error.

<static> getBadgeNumber(callback)

(iOS only) Gets the current badge number.

Name Type Description
callback function

The callback to get badgeNumber. It receives the following parameters:

  • badgeNumber.

<static> initialize(callback)

Starts the Notification Service. The notification callbacks will start to be received after calling this method. Because of this, you should have set your event handler before calling this method, so you won't lose any callback. The service will be automatically registered after the initialization. This may show a Dialog to request user permissions. You can disable autoregister with {register: false} params and call Cocoon.Notification.Local.register() manually to control when the permissions dialog is shown. By default the register parameter is set to true.

Name Type Description
params. Object

Service dependant params

callback function

The callback function. It receives the following parameters:

  • Registered: True if the devices is already registered to receive notifications
  • Error.

<static> register(params, callback)

Registers the application to be able to receive push notifications. In some systems like iOS it shows a dialog to request user permission.

Name Type Description
params Object
callback function

The callback function. It receives the following parameters:

  • Error.

<static> send(notification, callback)

Send notification

Name Type Description
notification Cocoon.Notification.NotificationInfo

The notification to sends

callback function

The delivery callback function. It receives the following parameters:

  • Error.

<static> setBadgeNumber(badgeNumber)

(iOS only) Sets the badge number for this application.

Name Type Description
badgeNumber number

The badge number

<static> subscribe(channel, callback)

Subscribes to a channel in order to receive notifications targeted to that channel. Valid for notification services that support specific channels (e.g. Parse).

Name Type Description
channel string

The channel id

callback function

The subscribe succeeded callback function. It receives the following parameters:

  • Error.

<static> unregister(params, callback)

Unregisters the application from receiving push notifications

Name Type Description
params Object
callback function

The callback function. It receives the following parameters:

  • Error.

<static> unsubscribe(channel, callback)

Unsubscribes from a channel in order to stop receiving notifications targeted to it. Valid for notification services that support specific channels (e.g. Parse).

Name Type Description
channel string

The channel id

callback function

The unsubscribe succeeded callback function. It receives the following parameters:

  • Error.


On notification

Allows to listen to events when the application receives a notification.

Cocoon.Notification.Local.on("notification", function(data) {
     console.log('Local notification received: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
Cocoon.Notification.Parse.on("notification", function(data) {
     console.log('Remote notification received: ' + JSON.stringify(data));


<static> NotificationInfo

The object that represents the information of a notification.

Name Type Description
Cocoon.Notification.NotificationInfo object

The object itself

Name Type Description
id string

The notification identifier. Autogenerated.

title string

The notification message. By default, it will be empty.

message string

The notification title. By default, it will be empty.

soundEnabled boolean

A flag that indicates if the sound should be enabled for the notification. By default, it will be true.

badgeNumber number

The number that will appear in the badge of the application icon in the home screen. By default, it will be 0.

userData object

The JSON data to attached to the notification. By default, it will be empty.

contentBody string

The body content to be showed in the expanded notification information. By default, it will be empty.

contentTitle string

The title to be showed in the expanded notification information. By default, it will be empty.

date number

Time in millisecs from 1970 when the notification will be fired. By default, it will be 1 second (1000).

icon string

(Optional) (Android only) Name of the custom icon that you have bundled in the application as a resource (You will need a custom Cordova plugin to bundle resources in the app). In Android is the icon name without extension.

Atomic Plugins - JavaScript Documentation by Ludei, DocStrap Copyright © 2012-2013
The contributors to the JSDoc3 and DocStrap projects.