Ads iOS
Instance Methods | Properties
<LDAdBannerProtocol> Protocol Reference

Instance Methods

(void) - loadAd
(CGSize) - adSize
(UIView *) - view


id< LDAdBannerDelegatedelegate
BOOL autoRefresh

Method Documentation

- (CGSize) adSize

Returns the size of the current ad being displayed in the ad view. Ad sizes may vary between different ad networks. This method returns the actual size of the banner.

The size of the underlying mediated ad.
- (void) loadAd

Requests a new ad from the ad server. If the ad view is already loading an ad, this call might be ignored.

- (UIView *) view

Returns the size of the current ad being displayed in the ad view.

The size of the current ad being displayed.

Property Documentation

- (BOOL) autoRefresh

Enable or disable automatic refresh of the ads. By default, an ad view is allowed to automatically load new advertisements.

- (id<LDAdBannerDelegate>) delegate

The delegate (LDAdBannerDelegate) of the ad view.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: