Ads iOS
Instance Methods
<LDAdBannerDelegate> Protocol Reference

Inherits <NSObject>.

Instance Methods

(UIViewController *) - viewControllerForPresentingModalView
(void) - adBannerDidLoad:
(void) - adBannerDidFailLoad:withError:
(void) - adBannerWillPresentModal:
(void) - adBannerDidDismissModal:

Method Documentation

- (void) adBannerDidDismissModal: (LDAdBanner *)  banner

Sent when an ad view has dismissed its modal content, returning control to your application. Your implementation of this method should resume any application activity that was paused in response to willPresentModalViewForAd:.

bannerThe banner ad that has dismissed its modal content.
- (void) adBannerDidFailLoad: (LDAdBanner *)  banner
withError: (NSError *)  error 

Sent when an ad view fails to load an ad. To avoid displaying blank ads, you should hide the ad view in response to this message.

bannerThe banner ad that failed to load.
errorThe reported error.
- (void) adBannerDidLoad: (LDAdBanner *)  banner

Sent when an ad banner successfully loads a new ad.

bannerThe ad banner sending the message.
- (void) adBannerWillPresentModal: (LDAdBanner *)  banner

Sent when an ad view is about to present modal content. This method is called when the user taps on the ad view. Your implementation of this method should pause any application activity that requires user interaction.

bannerThe banner ad that is about to present modal content.
- (UIViewController *) viewControllerForPresentingModalView

Asks the delegate for a view controller to use for presenting modal content, such as the in-app browser that can appear when an ad is tapped. keyWindow.rootViewController is used if the delegate doesn't implement this method.

A view controller that should be used for presenting modal content.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: