Namespace: LoopbackService

Cocoon.Multiplayer. LoopbackService

This namespace provides an abstraction API for a local loopback service that emulates the bahaviour of a multiplayer service. This service can be very helpful during the development process to setup the login before integrating any other multiplayer service.


var loopback = new Cocoon.Multiplayer.LoopbackService();
var request = new Cocoon.Multiplayer.MatchRequest(2,2);
var handleMatch = function(match, error){

loopback.findMatch(request, handleMatch);


<static> addPlayersToMatch(matchRequest, matchRequest, callback)

Automatically adds players to an ongoing match owned by the user.

Name Type Description
matchRequest Cocoon.Multiplayer.MatchRequest

The parameters for the match.

matchRequest Cocoon.Multiplayer.Match

The match where new players will be added.

callback function

The callback function. Response parameters: error.

<static> cancelAutoMatch()

Cancels the ongoing automatch request.

<static> findAutoMatch(matchRequest, callback)

Sends an automatch request to join the authenticated user to a match. It doesn't present a system view while waiting to other players.

Name Type Description
matchRequest Cocoon.Multiplayer.MatchRequest

The parameters for the match.

callback function

The callback function. It receives the following parameters:

<static> findMatch(matchRequest, callback)

Presents a system View for the matchmaking and creates a new Match.

Name Type Description
matchRequest Cocoon.Multiplayer.MatchRequest

The parameters for the match.

callback function

The callback function. It receives the following parameters:

<static> getMatch() → {Cocoon.Multiplayer.Match}

Get the current match reference.


The current match reference.

Atomic Plugins - JavaScript Documentation by Ludei, DocStrap Copyright © 2012-2013
The contributors to the JSDoc3 and DocStrap projects.