



On purchase

Allows to listen to events about the purchasing process.

  • The callback 'start' receives a parameter the product id of the product being purchased when the purchase of a product starts.
  • The callback 'complete' receives as parameter the Cocoon.InApp.PurchaseInfo object of the product being purchased when the purchase of a product is completed.
  • The callback 'error' receives a parameters the product id and an error message when the purchase of a product fails.
Cocoon.InApp.on("purchase", {
   start: function(productId) {
       console.log("purchase started " + productId);
   error: function(productId, error) {
       console.log("purchase failed " + productId + " error: " + JSON.stringify(error));
   complete: function(purchase) {
       console.log("purchase completed " + JSON.stringify(purchase));
Atomic Plugins for InApps - JavaScript Documentation by Ludei, DocStrap Copyright © 2012-2013
The contributors to the JSDoc3 and DocStrap projects.