Ads iOS
Instance Methods | Properties
<LDAdInterstitialProtocol> Protocol Reference

Instance Methods

(void) - loadAd
(void) - showFromViewController:animated:
(void) - dismissAnimated:


id< LDAdInterstitialDelegatedelegate

Method Documentation

- (void) dismissAnimated: (BOOL)  animated

Hides the interstitial.

animatedAnimated transtition.
- (void) loadAd

Begins loading ad content for the interstitial. You can implement the adInterstitialDidLoad: and adInterstitialDidFailLoad: methods of LDAdInterstitialDelegate if you would like to be notified as loading succeeds or fails.

- (void) showFromViewController: (UIViewController *)  controller
animated: (BOOL)  animated 

Shows the interstitial, if it is ready.

controllerThe parent view controller.
animatedAnimated transtition.

Property Documentation

- (id<LDAdInterstitialDelegate>) delegate

The delegate (LDAdInterstitialDelegate) of the ad view.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: